Fallout 3 Game Of The Year Edition Ps3 Cheat Codes
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- Get the latest Fallout 3 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play! Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for Fallout 3.
- I had the issue that Fallout 3 GOTY edition could not even start after hitting 'Play' in the FO3 Launcher. I have a completely new PC with WIN8 pro 64bit, however the issues are neither hardware nor software based. The (probable) reason that the game doesn't run is the lacking coorporation between Steam and the Games For Windows Live (GFWL) application, which is needed to run Fallout 3.
- Got a Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition walkthrough, FAQ or Guide? Use the submission form, or email them as attachments to faqs@neoseeker.com. FAQs/Guides are posted in their original.
- For Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition on the PC, GameFAQs has 181 cheat codes and secrets.
The best and largest selection of PlayStation 3 cheats, PlayStation 3 codes, PlayStation 3 cheat codes, PS3 video game cheats, PS3 game cheat codes, PS3 secrets, PlayStation 3 hints, PlayStation 3 tips, PlayStation 3 tricks, PlayStation 3 strategy guides, PlayStation 3 FAQs. With Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition, experience the most acclaimed game of 2008 like never before. Create a character of your choosing and descend into an awe-inspiring, post-apocalyptic world where every minute is a fight for survival. Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition includes all five of the Fallout 3 Game Add-on Packs.
Get the latest Fallout 3 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, trophies, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 3 (PS3). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation 3 cheats we have available for Fallout 3.
How To Escape Vault 101 As A Baby
In the beginning of the game, your dad tells you to walk up to him, and when he does you wait for him to close the cage and then he will leave. When he leaves, open the cage door and go to the I'm special book and do whatever stats you want and then when you finish go in the toybox, look at the teddy bear pick it up by pushing the right analog stick down and then walk over to the vault door and place it down. Then save your game because this may take a while if you don't already know about it. When your dad opens the door run out and close the door quickly and walk out the other door. Then swing around the corner and open the door that you see and walk through the glitched up area, and when you do so the alrms will blare and you need to go to the atrium and go through the door that won't close and go to the overseers office. Then when you do this go to his bedroom and go through his dresser and find his office key. Then when you go in there, there is a locker to your right hand side. Open it take the password turn on the terminal and click open overseers tunnel. Then you can open the vault door and you can escape as a baby. You can't use your pip-boy until you get to megaton. It also is harder to use your pip-boy because you can't see anything. It goes through your arm and you can't tell what your using unless you listen by sound. Other than that you can't see anything. And you move slower.
Main Skills That You Need.
Speech, Lock pick, Barter. They are the main one I upgrade cause they are the main one that you use.
Get The Blackhawk .44 Magnum
First of all, you have to find agratha's house. Once you talk to her, you get a quest 'agratha's song'. When you find valt 92 (directly west of old onely) go to the sound place. The violin is at the very back of that part of the vault. Anyways near were you find the violin, there is a bathroom. Search on the right side of every toilet seat and eventually you will see some music paper. Once you have both the violin and the music paper, bring them to agritha. Tell her that you found some music paper and she'll say that see cannot let that go unrewarded and will give you the blackhawk magnum.
Get The Power Armor
Go to the citadel and do the waters of life mission.
Different Followers For Different Karma
If you have neutral karma I have figured out you can get bush in rivet city after setting him free from vault 101 you can also get a robot but I don't know where heis I think he is in the robco factory if you are evil the only person I know youcan get is jericho (if you didn't decide to blow up megaton) with good karma you can get fawkes a super mutant you can rescue from vault 87 ( he helps you get the G. E . C . K . So save him) when the enclave takes you and you escape he will be waiting outside raven rock with a Gatling laser if you don't have good karma and you want fawkes donate money to the church of the atom in megaton and find him in the entrance to the underworld (he's always there so comeback anytime).
Get A Follower For A Price
If you want someone to help you out with changingyour karma, then go to the Ninth Circle inUnderworld. Then go see the owner, Azurkal, (in awhite suit behind the counter). He has his ownbodyguard named Charon. You can buy his contractfor 2, 000 caps, but if your barter skill is highenough, you can buy it for 1, 000 caps. Talk toCharon and he will go kill Azurkal. He hasunlimited ammo in his shotgun and is a good shot.He heals himself and can carry stuff for you.Best of all, you can give him power armor and hewill wear it and you don't good nor bad karma forhim to follow, you hold the contract.
Get The Ol' Painless Hunting Rifle
To get the Ol' Painless rifle, first you must goto the Republic of the Dave. It is located on thetop right corner of the map. The settlement isvery small, so killing everyone is easy. Dave isin the main building, kill him and everyoneinside take his key and the safe contains hisrifle. It does more damage and reloads quicker.WARNING: Ol' Painless repairs with normals riflesso be careful.
Easy Mirelurk & Deathclaw Kills
Running into deathclaws and mirelurks can be apain. But there are ways to easily kill them. Oneway is to get the dart gun. You can usuallypurchase one from a trade caravan. The dart gunwill cripple both the legs. This prevents boththe deathclaw and mirelurks from doing chargeattacks and they run slower. From there, you canshoot them as they helplessly run towards you. Ifyou don't have the dart gun yet, the best way tokill a deathclaw is to jump on the nearest rockand keep shooting their legs until you cripplethem. If you run into mirelurks and you don'thave the dart gun, your best option would beshoot there legs with a shotgun, or mines orthrow a ton of grenades.
Get Bad Karma Easy
Who needs good karma? Bad karma gets you the caps.There are a ton of ways to get bad karma. Blow upMegaton, then kill everyone in Tenpenny Tower. Ifyou want Brotherhood of Steel armor, just killthem. Capture slaves, then turn against theslavers. When I started out, I earned a lot ofcaps and got better weapons, just by getting badkarma.
Get Good Karma, For a Price
The easiest way I've gained good karma is simplygoing to Megaton, provided you haven't blown itup. Go to 'The Bomb' and talk toConfessor Cromwell, the guy ranting on aboutthe 'church of atom'. Ask him about his beliefsand eventually ask if he accepts donations. Makea large donation, or several small donations, andyour karma gains every time.
How To Survive In The Wastes.
Now Life in the waste's can be somewhat aggressiveor difficult as some might say but doing thiswill ultimately make you a harder target. Inorder to gain this you must first have completedthe mission part of where you meet up with theenclave army and the 'President' of the Unitedstates. After you leave you will see hawks againwhich you meet in the vault to get the G. E . C . K .When you talk to him you can ask him to join youwhere ever you go. But you must have good karmaor very good karma in order to gain hisrespect. If you have bad karma during thetime. Just try to level up doing missions on theside or just going shoot crazy. When you gethigh enough levels for the required perk 'LawBringer' go and search for 'evil' characters.such as raiders. Kill every one you can find andget their 'fingers' when you get them go to yourworld map on your pitboy 3000 and search forRegulator HQ which is near the middle a littlenorth and to the east of megaton. Go their andtalk to their leader which just so happens to bea woman upstairs. You will gain good charma foreach finger you collected. From very bad charmai suggest you get around 20 fingers. In additionyou will also gain some caps for your troubles.Now when you get good karma or very good karmago to the museum of history but you must havecompleted the Galaxy news radio quest. Its nearthe museum of technology its directly next to thebuilding where you repaired the radio signal.which is surrounded by a few brotherhood of steelmembers. Go inside and you will see hawks yetagain. Talk to him and ask him to join you. Hewill accept and you will have backup during yourtravels if you happen to be in a 'toughsituation'. Hawks can carry extra equipment soif you find yourself heavier than usual. Justtalk to him and you will be able to give him thestuff you don't need or you find too heavy. Hawksdoes not require food or water or anything. Heheals himself after about a minute of no combat.You can also tell him to stay somewhere if youdon't need him for that period of time. Also ifhe seems far away just go through a door and hewill reappear (note: door must be into another areawhere you load) I assume he carries around 50 to100 extra pounds of equipment. NOTE OF WARNINGTHOUGH: 3rd person view while Hawks is followingyou will suck and become annoying because thecamera will bounce off of him causing it to beannoying. So most of the time being you will bein 1st person view.
Xuanlong Assault Rifle And Jiggs Loot Mini Quest
Xuanlong Assault Rifle: This powerful ChineseAssault Rifle is located on the body of Prime inthe diner near the Jury Street Metro Station. Thislocation can be discovered via the Museum ofTechnology mini quest, Jiggs' Loot.
Jiggs' Loot: To start the Mini Quest, go to theMuseum of Technology. (Beware of Super Mutants ifthis is your first visit! ) Access the first MuseumInfo. Terminal you see (on the bottom floor) andgo to the very bottom option. You will see a notefrom Prime to Jiggs. Read it and exit out of thenote. Go to the very bottom option (#001) andbegin. Choose option #019 and you are done withthe first of three codes. (NOTE: IF YOU MESS UP,YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CONTINUE WITH THIS UNLESSYOU LOAD A SAVED GAME! ) Continue to the nextcomputer in the West Wing of the Museum. It islocated right when you walk through the door. Youwill see two terminals behind shields. The secondterminal is the one you are looking for. Access itand active the bottom option, (#002). Chooseoption #053 and you are done with the secondterminal. Go to the third and final terminal. Itis located (when you run around from the 2ndterminal), through the first door on your right.Go through until you see the giant rocket. Hopstraight over the railing until you hit theground, and turn around. You will see the finalterminal. Activate it and choose the last option(#003). The final code is #113. Choose it and youwill be shown a new option called #Get Passcode.Choose this and you will be shown a note. Followthe directions on the note to get the smallportion of the loot. Leave the Museum and go toJury Street Metro Station. (Located directly Westof Vault 101). Go into the diner on the oppositeside of the street of the Station, and go behindthe counter. You will find the body of Prime. SoSad! Search it and get your loot! (500 capsand misc. Items, including the Xuanlong AssaultRifle.
Smuggler's End
Fallout 3 Game Of The Year Edition Ps3 Cheat Codes Roblox
Smugglers End: Once you gain access to theBrotherhood Citadel you can take, search orlock pick anything that you want. When you are inthe Solar room you can lock pick the Elder Lyonssafe. (100 lock pick required). You will find 300caps, other misc. Items and Smugglers End, anaugmented laser pistol. It does approximately 18 DAMwith full Energy Weapons skill.
Get the Waser Wifle
After getting access to Little Lamplight, you’llfind a child named “Biwwy”, (Normally in the GreatChamber), who will sell you his Waser Wifle, anaugmented Laser Rifle, for 500 caps. If you havethe 'Child at Heart' Perk, you can get it forfree. The rifle can be repaired using regularLaser Rifles.
The Vengeance
The Vengeance: In the Deathclaw Sanctuary(northwest corner of the world map), follow thecaves down and be prepared for many Deathclawencounters. In the southeastern corner of thecaves is a pool of blood under a column of rock.(Literally a POOL of blood). In this pool there isa heap of gore with the Vengeance, an overpoweredLaser Gatling Gun.
Find the Alien Blaster
Head due north from the MDPL-13 Power Station andyou'll soon find a small mountain. On the eastside of this mountain you'll pick up a Recon CraftTheta radio signal. This will occur when you arejust a bit north of an imaginary horizontal linethrough Greener Pastures Disposal Site to the fareast. Search the east side of the slope for adestroyed house and you'll soon come across thesource of the signal just west of that: a downedflying saucer. (The ship is huge, so you can'tmiss it! ) . Its pilot can be found below the opencockpit (beware the radiation!) Near the pilot isthe Alien Blaster and a bunch of ammo rods. (Theseare easy to find at night. Alien cannot besearched! ) This powerful weapon gets critical hitsfrequently and is the bane of Behemoths. You'llfind ammo for it randomly throughout the wastelandif you're lucky, so use the ammo you've gotsparingly!
Prototype Medic Power Armor
The Prototype Medic Power Armor is in Old Olney inthe far northeast corner of the world map. Sinceyou'll encounter many Deathclaws, you may want toset the difficulty to 'Very Easy' before exploringthis area. On the southern-most street of OldOlney is a manhole. Use it to access the sewers.As you make your way through the sewers, you'llcome across a dead Brotherhood of Steel Initiateon the ground. You can take the armor from thecorpse. Here's the kicker: it talks! Oh, and itauto-administers chems (Rad-X, RadAway, Med-X)when you are in need. NOT ALWAYS THOUGH!
Shoot 'em In The Head
To start the quest, you must go to the Museum ofHistory and go to Underworld. (The Ghoul haven. )Once you get there, go to the Ninth Circle or toCarol's Place and find Mr. Crowley. He is a ghoulwho wears a white business suit and has greenishspots on his head. Talk to him selecting alloptions until he tells you that ghoul hatersdeserve to die. Agree with him and tell him you'llhelp. He will give you a sniper rifle and tell youto kill Allistair Tenpenny, Ted Strayer, Dukov andDave. (From the Republic of Dave. ) First youshould go to Allistair Tenpenny in Tenpenny'sTower. (Southwest part of the map, should showafter you've started the quest. ) When you getthere, (after the ghoul Roy Philips is donetalking into the intercom), talk to the intercomand tell the guard that you want to see Tenpenny.(There are other options too. ) As soon as you walkinto the tower, go to the door (elevator) behindthe receptionist desk. When you get up there, goto the left and you will see a guard. Tell him youwant to talk to Tenpenny. (Or, you can steal thekey, kill him, etc. ) When he lets you in, Tenpennyshould be outside on the balcony. Talk to himabout Mr. Crowley and shoot him in the head withthe sniper rifle. (Nobody should come after whenyou do kill him, but you can save before just incase. ) Tenpenny does NOT have a key. (Dukov, Daveand Ted do. ) Now go trek to Dukov's Place. Onceinside, Dukov will offer you a drink. Ask himabout Mr. Crowley. He will tell you he died andend the story. Tell him he is alive and he wantsyou to kill him. For the next part, there are 3options: 1. Kill Dukov and take the key, 2. Payhim to get the key, or 3. Tell him to give you thekey. (If speech is high enough. ) After you havethe first key, go to the Republic of Dave. TheRepublic is at the high Northeast reaches of themap. Once there, get in and go to the Capitolbuilding. Talk to Dave about Mr. Crowley. He willalso tell you he died, and end the story. Again,tell him he is alive and wants you to kill him.Same with Dukov, there are the same 3 options.Once you have the key, go to Rivet City and findTed Strayer. Most of the time, Ted is in theCommons Room or at the Muddy Rudder. Once you findhim, talk to him about Mr. Crowley. This time itgets easier. If your Strength is high enough, youcan just tell him to give you the key, you canpersuade him to give you the key, or you can killhim and take the key. Once you have the 3 keys, goto Mr. Crowley in Underworld and give him thekeys. (If you didn't kill Dave, Dukov, and Ted,you have to use Speech to convince Crowley youdid. ) Once he has all the keys, the mission willbe complete. After you give Crowley the keys, youcan follow him out of Underworld and kill him andtake the keys back to start the Mini-Quest, 'FortConstantine'.
Fallout 3's Best Armor
To get the game's best armor (T-51b Power Armor),you must first have gotten all of the keys for thequest: 'You Gotta Shoot Em' In the Head', andreturn to Mr. Crowley. Give him all of the keys,and follow him out of Underworld when he leaves.As soon as he leaves Underworld, you can kill himwith no repercussions. But HE MUST HAVE LEFTUNDERWORLD. He can be inside the Museum of Historythough. Once you kill him, take his keys and headto the Northwestern part of the map at FortConstantine. Go into the CO Quarters close tothere, and go down the stairs to your left in themain room. (Note: if you look to the left beforeyou go through the door in the safe, you will findthe Big Guns Bobblehead.) When you go through thedoor, go through the Fort until you find a womannamed Tara dead in front of a door. Search her andtake her key. Go through the door she was lyingnext to, and open the next door, and you will seethe Power Armor in a Stasis Field. Activate theterminal and shut off the field and take yourarmor. Also in the same room, there is a Fat Manon a table to the left of the Armor with a MiniNuke and a magazine. (Most of the time it is theD. C . Journal of Internal Medicine. ) You still needPower Armor training before you can wear the armorhowever.
Cheat Codes For Fallout 3 Ps3 Game Of The Year Edition
The Replicated Man (Both Rewards)
-SPOILER ALERT-After you figure out that Harkness is the android,talk to him and ask him if you can kill Dr.Zimmer, he will say you can, and Rivet CitySecurity WILL NOT interfere. Harkness will giveyou his plasma rifle called, 'A3-21's PlasmaRifle'. Now you can go to Zimmer in Dr. Li's lab.Talk to him before you kill him, and tell him thatHarkness is the android. He will thank you andgive you a perk: 'Wired Reflexes' which makes youmore accurate in V. A . T . S . When he walks away, youcan kill him, and Armitige. Note: telling Zimmerabout Harkness gives you Bad Karma. Also, if yousearch both the bodies of Zimmer and hisbodyguard, you will find that they are bothandroids.
Ghoul Mask
Fallout 3 Game Of The Year Edition Ps3 Cheat Codes Xbox 360
To get a ghoul mask, first go to Tenpenny tower.There will be a ghoul named Roy Phillips arguingthrough the intercom. Talk to him and agree tohelp him. You can either kill every single personthere, or convince everyone to let ghouls livewith them. After you help Roy Phillips, he willgive you a ghoul mask and you will have aTenpenny suite.
Blow Up Megaton
To blow up Megaton, you must first go toMoriarty's Saloon. Then, when you enter, therewill be an area to the right. A guy in a whitebusiness suit will be sitting down. Talk to himand he will give you a pulse charge to put on thebomb. Then go to Tenpenny tower and get all theway to the top. Mister Burke will be waiting.Push the detonator and watch the explosion andthen you will have 500 caps.
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We have no unlockables for Fallout 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Brahmin Tipping Easter Egg
If you encounter Brahmin anywhere in the wasteland, crouch and hit the interactbutton. The Brahmin tips over! (Doesn't work on pack Brahmin)
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