Bounce Java Game Cheat Code

We are the best and most popular cheat codes game site in the world! We add new cheats and codes daily and have millions of cheat codes, FAQs, walkthroughs, unlockables, and much more. Nokia Mobile Games Cheat Codes Nokia Bounce Mobile Game Cheat - Fly in air - During gameplay, press 787899 and then press # to fly in the air. High score and Level Complete - During gameplay, press 787899 and then press 5 to complete level and get 5000 points. This way you go on accumalating points and make the high score.

Nokia Bounce Game Cheats Codes Tips and Tricks

I am sick of hitting my ball into spikes, poles and all other stuff in the game. It doesn’t matter how much I control my ball. I don’t want to leave this wonderful game just because I cant play it I love this game. If you have such question in your mind about Nokia’s another Wonderful game Bounce don’t worry any more because I am gonna tell a great cheat of this game that you can play easily and no need to be frustrated or being too careful about the balance and speed of the ball.

First of all go to games and run Bounce. While in the game type 787898 BANG!!!

You will hear a sound, that means that your cheat is activated. Now your bounce ball is invincible take it where ever you want it wont gonna blast.

Note: Don’t pause the game while entering the code just type it while your are playing the game. Escape game hometown adventure cheats.

This is a step by step list.

  1. New Game
  2. While Running
  3. Type 787898
  4. Bang! Sound
  5. Done!

Tested On: 1600,2310,1208,1650,3100,6100,7250.

If your have any question please don’t hesitate to leave a comment.


Bounce Java Game Cheat Codes

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.*;
public class BouncingBall extends JFrame
// Random object to generate random integers
private Random randomGenerator = new Random();
// determine random starting point for the ball
private int x = 25 + randomGenerator.nextInt( 201 );
private int y = 25 + randomGenerator.nextInt( 201 );
// position and length of paddle
private int rectX = 126;
private int rectWidth = 80;
// distance ball travels each time ball is moved
private int deltaX = 2 + randomGenerator.nextInt( 6 );
private int deltaY = 2 + randomGenerator.nextInt( 6 );
// Timer for ball
private Timer ballTimer;
// no-argument constructor
public BouncingBall()
// create and position GUI components; register event handlers
private void createUserInterface()
// register KeyListener
new KeyAdapter() // anonymous inner class
// event handler called when a key is pressed
public void keyPressed( KeyEvent event )
bouncingBallKeyPressed( event );
} // end anonymous inner class
); // end call to addKeyListener
// set up ballTimer
ballTimer = new Timer( 30,
new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
// event handler called every 30 milliseconds
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
ballTimerActionPerformed( event );
} // end anonymous inner class
); // end Timer constructor
// set properties of application's window
setTitle( 'Bouncing Ball' ); // set title bar string
setSize( 415, 430 ); // set window size
setVisible( true ); // display window
} // end method createUserInterface
// draw the ball and the paddle
public void paint( Graphics graphics )
super.paint( graphics );
// draw the ball
graphics.setColor( Color.BLUE );
graphics.fillOval( x, y, 10, 10 );
// draw the paddle
graphics.setColor( Color.RED );
graphics.fillRect( rectX, 410, rectWidth, 10 );
} // end method paint
// move the ball; handle bouncing
private void ballTimerActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
// update the position of the ball
x += deltaX;
y += deltaY;
if ( y <= 25 )
// bounce the ball off the ceiling
deltaY = 2 + randomGenerator.nextInt( 6 );
else if ( y >= 400 && x >= rectX && x <=
( rectX + rectWidth ) )
// bounce the ball off the paddle
deltaY = -2 - randomGenerator.nextInt( 6 );
else if ( y >= 430 )
// end the game
if ( x <= 5 )
// bounce the ball off the left wall
deltaX = 2 + randomGenerator.nextInt( 6 );
else if ( x >= 400 )
// bounce the ball off the right wall
deltaX = -2 - randomGenerator.nextInt( 6 );
} // end method ballTimerActionPerformed
// start the game, move paddle left or right
private void bouncingBallKeyPressed( KeyEvent event )
int position = (400 - rectWidth);
else if(event.getKeyCode()KeyEvent.VK_LEFT && rectX > 10)
else if(event.getKeyCode()KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT && rectX > position)
} // end method bouncingBallKeyPressed
// main method
public static void main( String[] args )
BouncingBall application = new BouncingBall();
application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
} // end method main
} // end class BouncingBall

commented Oct 28, 2015

Java Cheat Code

There is two problems. First, at line 130, this is supposed to make the ball move, and it doesn't. instead, it just makes the ball disappear.

Second, on line 142, there is no right movement. the right button just doesn't work.

Minecraft Java Cheat Codes

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